Health fair blog post

Why I chose the topic

Would you like to find a way to stop overeating? I chose this topic because I myself wanted to quit overeating. I found myself eating a lot of junk food almost every day. I wanted to make a change and start eating less junk food and more healthy foods. I started to go to the gym more often to get my body more in-shape. There is also a large percentage of adults in the U.S. who are dealing with obesity.

Research Process

For my Research, Irvin and I (my group partner) gathered multiple sources based on overeating. Appetite control, the effects of overeating, 17 reasons why you overeat, and Statistics of obesity. We collected all of our sources and saved them in our Filpboard. From there we we created a Research Graphic Organizer. Our driving question is “How to avoid Overeating”? The audience we are targeting are Elementary School  children. We wanted to act on this because we wanted the new generation to be educated at a young age because its easier to prevent something rather than having to get someone out of an eating addiction. More than two in three adults are considered to be overweight or obese. and more than one in six children and adolescents ages six to nineteen years of age are considered to be obese.

Our work

From all the work we’ve done so far, we created a research paper talking about this subject. We go further in depth about the harmful effecgts of over eating and how you can prevent overeating. For the Elementary kids, my partner Irvin and I created a Brochure . We decorated a poster board to bring for the kids. The school we will be presenting at is Bobier Elementary School.


One thought on “Health fair blog post

  1. David, you did a fantastic job on this post. You have summarized you research and included links within your post. I also appreciate the image in your header. Well done!

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